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Social-Emotional Resources

Students have access to the following therapeutic/social emotional support groups offered at PHS or in the community:

  • Insights: Addresses drug and alcohol abuse
  • Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY): Offers mentoring and information about the law and careers in law
  • Rape Trauma Services (RTS)
  • Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (CORA)
  • Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center (PCRC) in Guided Studies classes
  • Pride Center
  • Men’s Group
  • YEA! Program/Workshop: Education surrounding ways to get out of abusive relationships and ways to be more aware.

We're also continuing to build partnerships with outside agencies to provide support for not just our students, but their families as well. 

Student Progress Checks/Tracker on a Bi-weekly Basis/Family Communication

  1. Students enter in grades/attendance on a tracker sheet and are given a list of questions based on good or bad.
  2. Students are provided different Tiers of intervention to get them back on track.   Parent/Guardians are notified and we keep a file on their progress or lack their of. We empower the teacher as the first Tier of support and move up to different supports such as counselors, dean, and myself.
  3. If a student has met the necessary requirements, they are allowed to participate in a Fun Friday event/Activity.
  • Less than 7 absences: good to go! No Tiered Intervention needed.
  • 7 or more absences: Tier 1 Intervention. These are the students teachers will consult with Friday during 3rd period Targeted Tutorial.
  • 3rd period Academic interventions (Developmental Reading/ELD, Developmental Reading, Algebra Support, Guided Studies 10/11-12, College Study Skills (Coun 101, Personal Finance), and College Study Skills (CTE and Dual Enrollment).


Please contact your Wellness Counseling Team for more information on any of the support groups mentioned.