Puma Pride
Peninsula High School serves more than 200 San Mateo Union High School District students every year.
What is offered at PHS?
The following classes are offered at PHS:
- English
- English Language Development (ELD)
- Health
- Math
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Science
- Special Education
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Work Experience
- World Language
- Career Technical Education (CTE) including
- Digital Photography
- Culinary and Hospitality
- Green Energy
Students can also participate in:
- Meditation
- Restorative Justice Practices
- Individual Counseling/Group Services, such as
- Alcohol and drug abuse support programs
- On-Site Credit Recovery
Do Peninsula students have homework?
Yes. PHS has adopted an Alternative Homework Policy that allows students more flexibility than a traditional homework policy.
Does Peninsula have the same access to counseling as the comprehensive schools?
Peninsula High School has more access to counseling than other high schools in the District. Our counseling department consists of a social worker and three counselors:
- Lead Guidance Counselor
- Wellness Counselor/Restorative Practices Leader, and
- Parent Outreach Coordinator/College and Career Advisor
How big are the classes?
Peninsula has a small learning environment with classroom capacities of 28 students. The overall average student to staff ratio tends to be 25 to 1 or less to ensure all students receive the individualized attention and guidance to foster change and success.
PHS at a Glance
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at: 650-558-2402.
En Español llamen al 650-558-2427.