Help Us Help Our Students
At Peninsula High School, we focus on getting our students “back on track.” Our school is setup to accommodate students’ academic and social needs. Our focus is to give students’ the skills they need to be successful in post-secondary life.
PHS offers students opportunities in:
- Career Technical Education: A course of study that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge.
- Work Experience: PHS invites Employers and Recruiters to the PHS campus.
- Community College: PHS offers students the opportunity of attending classes at the community college while still enrolled in high school.
Donations are Needed
Help PHS Provide Opportunities to empower our students to demonstrate their knowledge of academic, professional and technological skills. All donations are greatly appreciated as they provide needed resources to educate students. Peninsula High School is a public institution and all donations are tax deductible.
To make a donation, please contact Jessica Beglitsoff at or 650-558-2419.