Welcome/Bienvenidos 2024-2025
San Mateo Union High School District
Peninsula High School
860 Hinckley Road – Burlingame CA - 94010
July 16, 2024 Haga clic aquí para Español
Dear Parents/ Guardians:
On behalf of the Peninsula High School faculty, staff, and administration, we would like to welcome all new and returning PHS Puma students. Your students' first day of classes will be August 14th, 9:20 a.m.—12:45 p.m.
We ask that ALL NEW students attend the school orientation on Tuesday, August 13th in the school cafeteria. You may attend the morning orientation at 9:00am - 10:00am OR you may attend the afternoon orientation at 2:00pm - 3:00pm, Students must attend WITH a Parent/Guardian. The administration will address safety protocols, policy changes, and student expectations. You are an essential member of our educational family and team. Our new policies are designed to promote a safe learning environment. Many of the items we review can be found in our student handbook, and we will take any questions regarding the following items:
All PHS students are expected to focus on their learning in the classroom and will have to turn in their phones at the beginning of the school day. ALL GUARDIANS NEED TO SIGN AND COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM BEFORE THEIR STUDENT STARTS THE SCHOOL YEAR. FORMS MAY BE TURNED IN ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OR PRIOR TO THE START OF SCHOOL.
All PHS students are expected to turn in their backpacks, purses, or fanny packs to the main office upon arriving at school. The items must remain in the main office until the end of the school day. If students need to access anything from these items during the school day, they may request access in the main office.
Continued use of profanity or indecent language will lead to school disciplinary action and consequences.
Students are expected to focus on their studies during class periods. Therefore, bathroom use should be limited and students should focus on being in class for as much of the period as possible. Students with repeated issues of not being in class will prompt a meeting with PHS Administration, the student, and their guardian and may result in a change in the student's instructional day and schedule.
All students are expected to turn their phones in a Yondr pouch at the beginning of the day and pick up upon the completion of their day at PHS. No exceptions.
Please use our Peninsula HS website and download the Parent Square app to get updated news and find out about important relevant information.
Peninsula High School: Parent Square App:
phs.smuhsd.org https://www.parentsquare.com/signin
Peninsula High School takes great pride in providing the best continuation education. We strive to make our school a place that honors individual differences, nurtures self-esteem, and fosters trust and mutual respect. Our goal is to present opportunities for success and inspire each student to meet their goals. At orientation, we’ll share how to meet your student’s academic needs. We have a unique credit recovery and intervention program tailored to each individual’s needs. Your child’s goal may be a PHS diploma or a return to their home school; whatever their goal, we are here to support them. Every student will have academic elective classes designed to help them be successful in their high school classes and beyond.
Students will be able to take advantage of our career preparation programs in at least one of the areas below:
Courses: Study Skills, Ethnic Studies, Personal Finance
Digital Photography/Yearbook
Courses: Leadership/Journalism/YCLL (YPAR Equity Group)/PumaTube
Courses: Community College Courses/Dual Enrollment (Coming Fall 2024)
First Day of the 1st Trimester: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2024, at 9:20 AM.
Student/Family Handbook: The Student/Family Handbook is an informational resource for your use and covers all pertinent information regarding Peninsula High School curriculum, resources, rules & regulations, and our administration, faculty, and staff. The handbooks are available on our website phs.smuhsd.org Please take a moment to read and become familiar with our school.
Academic Elective Courses: Every student will be able to work on their academic skills and preparation through structured lessons, group collaboration, and evaluation of student growth. Classes include access to various counseling services and supports, restorative justice practices skills, math and reading support, college study skills, meditation/reflection, online work, guided studies classes, and occasionally participating in Restorative Justice Practices.
Wellness Period: Students will get the choice of spaces to support their needs and attend one of six designated spaces (Below are some examples BUT not necessarily the offerings):
Support Groups and Clubs
Art/Creative Drawing
Meals: During the 2024-2025 school year, the USDA and CDE have granted SMUHSD waivers to provide free meals before school, during brunch, and lunch service to ALL Peninsula High School students. For more information, please visit www.smuhsd.org/nutrition.
Trimester Schedule
Trimester #1: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - Friday, November 8, 2024.
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Attendance: Students must be in class and on time to take full advantage of the opportunity to learn and accumulate credits necessary for graduation. Please schedule all personal and non-school-related appointments outside of school hours. Students repeatedly out of class will be counseled, potentially searched, have parent/guardian meetings, be disciplined, and possibly change school placement.
Clearing Absences: Peninsula High School has an automated phone dialer system. Parents/Guardians will receive a phone call for each period of absence and/or tardiness as soon as the teacher submits the attendance to the school system. You can receive up to 6 phone calls for each of the class periods on a day a student is absent. Clearing absences as soon as possible will prevent any unnecessary phone calls. Please report all absences to 650-558-2408 or submit the electronic absence reporting form on our school attendance website: phs.smuhsd.org/families/attendance-policies.
Peninsula HS is a closed campus. Your student may not leave campus without prior approval. A permit to leave and admit policy is in place for legitimate period absences. If you have any questions regarding the phone calling system or believe there has been an error, please call the attendance clerk, Mr. Viliami Dauwe, at 650-558-2408, as your contact information may need to be updated.
School Bus Transportation: PHS provides bus transportation to and from school. All students ride the bus for free. Please review our website for a list of bus stops/pickup times. Safety regulations will follow current county guidelines and are subject to change throughout the school year.
Picture Day will be on September 9th. On this day, every student will be required to take pictures and receive a school ID.
Community Building: Being part of a community is essential. We want to meet all the needs of the student and their family when they are part of the Puma Family. During our school year, students can engage in some fun community activities listed below. These activities will be built into these school days.
Thursday, August 29th--Puma Family Ice Cream Social
Thursday, September 12th--Back to School Night/Potluck
Tuesday, September 24th--Culture and Heritage Celebration
Wednesday, October 16th--Puma Family Cooking Event
Wednesday, November 20th--Give Thanks to Our Puma Family/Awards Night Dinner
Thursday, December 12th--Puma Holiday Event
Wednesday, January 15th--Puma Movie and Potluck Night
Tuesday, February 11th--Puma Sweet Valentine Dessert Night
Thursday, March 6th--Puma Game Night
Thursday, March 13th--Open House/Puma Award Night
Wednesday, April 16th--Puma Family Paint Night
Wednesday, May 7th--Puma Senior Graduation Meeting/Heritage Night
NOTE: We need all parents/guardians to complete the attached Field Trip form and return it on the first day of school or turn it into the main office. This field trip form will only need to be filled out once and will apply to any field trip your student attends throughout the school year during the school day. We would hate to have students stay behind on the campus and not join the planned fun. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our PHS Administration.
Additional Class Option: Every student will be assigned six classes for the 2024-25 School Year unless they are in their last trimester or participating in work experience. All students participating in athletics at the comprehensive sites must be enrolled in a six-period day. Students will have the option to have a five-period day if they participate in at least one of the following:
School community service, volunteering, and work experience: Students can earn elective credits by performing community service, volunteering, or working but must complete as part of the graduation requirement.
Dual Enrollment with a Community College: High School students' tuition fees are waived.
Night School Enrollment with San Mateo Adult and Career Education (Formerly known as San Mateo Adult School): Credit recovery option for 12th-grade students who are deficient in lower grade level English and Social Science.
Completion of at least one online learning class utilizing Edgenuity if a student is behind in meeting graduation in May 2025.
Graduation Requirement 2024-2025 School Year
All students must complete 72 hours of work experience or 24 hours of community service prior to graduation.
To fulfill this requirement, work experience or community service should be completed with the CTE pathway in which they participated.
Please see our Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Elaine Llaguno, in the Counseling Office for more details. You may reach Ms. Llaguno at 650-558-2418 or by email at ellaguno@smuhsd.org
The Puma Family is prepared to meet your educational needs. We look forward to a successful transition or return to Peninsula High School, and again, welcome to our school.
Ron Campana Fred Wolfgramm
Principal, Peninsula High School Assistant Principal, Peninsula High School
rcampana@smuhsd.org fwolfgramm@smuhsd.org
650-558-2400 650-558-2406