Student Behavior
Student Behavior Rules, Protocols, Codes and Policies
Disciplinary Action
Students who misbehave will be subject to disciplinary action. Depending on the problem, one or more of the following actions may be taken. The action taken will be in accordance with school regulations, district policies, and state law.
Restorative Justice Practices (RJP)
The fundamental premise of Restorative Justice Practices (RJP) is that “human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behavior when people in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them.”
There are two RJP tiers – “The Circle” which is the first step intervention piece and “The Conference” which is a non-punitive philosophical approach to discipline which repairs harm done, teaches accountability for offenses, and how to move forward without shame.
“The Circle”
The restorative circle structure establishes equality, safety, trust, responsibility, facilitation, ownership and community connections, as well as building strong and supportive relationships among students and teachers in the classroom, improving academic performance, problem solving, reducing bullying and conflict. It gives students a chance to tell their stories and to participate in the classroom setting in a way that is very different from the traditional classroom structure.
“The Restorative Conference”
The first step of conferencing is the pre-conference. The pre-conference is conducted by an RJP facilitator. The
offender(s), and victim(s) are interviewed separately in the pre-conference to establish criteria for a successful conference. The offender(s) must admit to wrongdoing before the conference can be held. If all parties are in agreement, the RJP conference is conducted. The goal of this conference is to repair the harm that has been done and to move forward without shame. There is an intended script that is strictly followed by the facilitator. At
the end of the conference all parties come to an agreement and a contract is signed by all participants.
Follow-up check-ins as needed. This intervention is used within the discipline process. NOTE: If a student has an issue with a staff member particularly around hate speech or defiance, a restorative meeting will be held prior to resuming the class or rejoining the space.
Alternative to Suspension (ATS)
The purpose of the Alternative to Suspension Program is to provide an opportunity for students to contemplate,
connect, repair harm and make positive decisions, reducing the time out of the classroom and focusing on increasing student academic success. Through this proactive intervention, students will be given the tools to help reduce negative behaviors and by utilizing the Restorative Justice Practices philosophy.
Suspended students engage in structured, therapeutic time during suspension to address underlying causes of
suspension and increase engagement in school upon re-entry. Students who receive 1-3 day suspensions are eligible for this Alternative to Suspension Program (ATS) by referral by a site administrator. At the discretion of the site administrator, students may serve the first day of suspension at home and then opt to attend the ATS program for one day in lieu of serving the remainder of the suspension. A licensed MFT facilitates the program in collaboration with a SMUHSD PPS credentialed certificated staff member. The program operates during regular
school hours (8 a.m. - 3 p.m.) on the campus of the Adult School, 789 Poplar Street, San Mateo.
A school official (teacher, campus aide, counselor or administrator) will meet with, counsel, and help support a
student if they are disruptive, defiant, or exhibiting inappropriate behavior at school. Attendance regarding excessive lates to class and truancies will also be addressed.
Parent/Guardian Contact
Once a student has been counseled, warned, and directed by a school official to behave appropriately and follow school policies and expectations, and student has failed to meet this, parent/guardian will be contacted and informed of the issue with the goal to support student and better understand how best to achieve that goal at school.
Teacher/Staff will contact the Main Office Administrative Assistant or Administrator if a student needs to be
removed from class. The referral will be directed to the appropriate school official (i.e. Wellness Counselor / Counselor / Administrator) based on the student’s issue and/or need, if the student has already been counseled or not, and parent contacted or not. Students may be removed from class if classes are meeting in-person or if the course is remote the student would be removed from the Zoom meeting and have to meet with
an administrator prior to returning to class. The administrator meeting would be either in-person, by phone, or Zoom call.
The Assistant Principal will handle referrals pertaining to matters that include inappropriate behavior, classroom disruption or defiance. Students report daily at lunch to our School Safety Specialist, Mr. Liggins or Mr. Abeyta to perform lunch clean up on select days. For more serious disciplinary issues, students are assigned detention on a designated date during lunch in front of the main office with Mr. Abeyta or Mr. Liggins. Failure to serve
detention may lead to further consequences including ATS, or suspension.
A formal conference is held with the student, parent and one or more school officials. During this conference, the student must work with the school and agree to correct his or her behavior. The student and parent may be asked to sign a behavior contract.
Referral to the Principal
Teachers are expected to communicate with parents/guardians on first warning as well as handle minor infractions with a student. If a student continues misbehavior, s/he should first be referred to the Assistant Principal/Wellness Counselor, and then to the Principal for disciplinary action. Principal will expect a summary of events and list of interventions and communications.
Drop F
The student is removed from class for the remainder of the trimester with a Drop F.
Student Behavior Contract
The student may be placed on a Student Behavior Contract to address and improve a student’s behavior. The Student Behavior Contract is valid for one year from the date it was signed. Students are expected to follow the terms of the contract until it expires. Violation of the contract may lead to suspension, a formal reprimand, or expulsion.
In-House Suspension
Students may be In-house suspended from a class for up to two days for exhibiting behaviors that are defying the teacher’s rules, directive, or expectations. This is used as an intervention between detention and suspension. In-house suspension is held during the class period. The student is assigned to the teacher’s class in the main office or assigned room supervised by staff.
Students are expected to work on their assigned work
given from their teachers. Students are not allowed to sleep or talk while serving In-House suspension. Students who fail to follow directions or report to in-house suspension will be suspended.
A student is subject to suspension from school (no more than five days) for violating school policies. The student
is also informed regarding the due process procedure. A reasonable effort will be made to contact the student’s
parent(s) or legal guardian by phone to notify them that their student is subject to suspension. Written notification to the parent(s) or legal guardian must include clear instructions regarding the due process procedure.
Police Involvement/Notification
It is important to know that many offenses that result in suspensions are also against the law. Whenever a student is involved or suspected in an illegal activity, the police will be notified. Consequences for violating the law are determined by the juvenile court system and are separate from the consequences imposed by the school.
Formal Reprimand
The Formal Reprimand is a district behavioral contract that is signed by the student, parent, school administration, and district administration. The purpose of the Formal Reprimand is discussed in a meeting and provides an alternative intervention to expulsion. This intervention includes a letter of reprimand that is mailed home and is placed in the student’s file. Violation of the Formal Reprimand may lead to an expulsion.
Administrative Transfer
The principal may decide that it is necessary to administratively transfer the student to another placement for their education. This action is usually taken under the following circumstances: the student has had chronic discipline issues at the school, there is a safety issue, or the student has committed a serious offense that warrants such a transfer in lieu of expulsion.
Transfer to Alternative Education Programs
The parents and administration may concur on a voluntary transfer to one of our alternative education programs.
Enrollment at Peninsula High School is required through the duration of any school year. Under the right circumstances, parents and students may elect to return to their comprehensive site beyond the school year. A proposed involuntary transfer notice may be sent to the parent/guardian to initiate the transfer to Peninsula High School. Students enrolled in this program have been placed there as determined by the comprehensive site’s
principal and counselor, or the Director of Student Services based on their ineligibility to achieve a high school diploma based on credits in their current setting. Parents/students have an opportunity to appeal per District Policy.
- The principal or his/her designee shall inform the student that he or she may be recommended for expulsion and is informed of his/her due process rights.
- Telephone and letter that the student may be recommended for expulsion and notify the student’s parent/legal guardian.
- The principal conducts an incident review hearing with the parent/guardian, student and appropriate district administrative staff to determine if the incident/situation warrants expulsion.
- The Superintendent or his designee will recommend to the Board of Trustees that the student be expelled.
- The expulsion does not become effective until the due process procedure has been completed.
Related Information
Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR)
- BP 5131 Student Conduct
- BP 5131 Bullying and Cyberbullying
- BP 5131.9 Academic Honesty
- AR 5144.1 Suspensions and Expulsions
5145.12 Search and Seizure/Individual Search:
Cheating, Plagiarism, Puma Honor Code, Academic Honesty
We believe that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student’s education
and character development. We expect that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of
academic dishonesty. When people cheat they undermine this goal, compromising themselves and the school.
We hope that this honor code clarifies what behavior is acceptable and sends a clear message: grades are
meant to be a reflection of what students have learned. During a class session in remote learning, if a student is questioned about cheating, they may be brought to administration to investigate.
What is cheating?
Cheating is using, copying, or taking another person’s work, information, ideas or research without properly
identifying or crediting the originator. It is also when a student willfully allows others to use their work to copy for
credit without the teacher’s permission or approval. It can be having another tab open on a computer during a
test, quiz, or examination to assist with doing their work. If a student is unsure about a specific situation, the
student must ask the teacher for clarification BEFORE engaging in the action. The teacher will gladly and clearly explain what is expected and allowable, and what is not.
- 1st violation: Referral to Counselor or Assistant Principal, grade of zero or F on assignment/quiz/test, and parent notification.
- 2nd violation: Referral to Assistant Principal, in-house suspension or ATS for one day from class, grade of zero or F on assignment/quiz/test, parent conference, student behavior contract, and referral to Wellness Counselor.
- 3rd violation: Referral to the Principal, parent conference, 1-day suspension and drop F from the course.
In each case, the teacher and Principal’s professional judgment will determine whether cheating and a violation of the Puma Code has occurred. Students are reminded not to give the teacher reason to suspect that cheating has taken place.
Closed Campus
The Peninsula High School campus is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus without a valid permit
obtained from the Attendance Office. The campus is also closed to all visitors unless a Visitor’s Pass is obtained in the main office, or in the Assistant Principal’s/ Principal’s office.
- Students may not leave campus during school hours, particularly if a student chooses to come to the campus. Once a student gets on the bus in the morning, the student is expected to complete the day at the PHS campus with the exception that they are approved to go home because they are feeling ill.
- School hours are defined as the bell schedule for the day, which includes brunch and lunch.
- Students are not to enter their cars during school hours without proper authorization or permission from school staff.
- Students are not allowed to move their cars, or transport students on or off campus. IF a student leaves campus and comes back they will be searched by administration.
- Students are not allowed to order food from any outdoor services (i.e. DoorDash, UberEats, Postmates, etc.)
- Food will be confiscated, and returned to the student at the end of the day; Failure to follow directive from staff will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
- All students who are caught leaving campus, or in the off-limit areas without proper authorization, or permit to leave will be sent to the Assistant Principal or Principal’s office with the following disciplinary action (also see search and seizure) Students attending Peninsula High School must abide by school rules and cannot leave the campus:
- 1st violation: 3 days of lunch community service days assigned and campus access during remote learning may be taken away, and parent contacted by Administrator or designee
- 2nd violation: Parent contacted, meeting with Administrator and referral to Alternative to Suspension (ATS) and campus access during remote learning is denied.
- 3rd violation: Parent contacted, In-House Suspension assigned, and student placed on a School Behavior Contract
- 4th violation: 1-2 days of suspension for defiance and violation of contract, and mandatory parent meeting for re-entry back to school even if learning is remote and not on-site direct instruction.
Disruption and/or Defiance
Students must respond to the authority of all school personnel and follow their directives. Students are expected
to conduct themselves and behave properly and appropriately before, during, and after school, and at school/
district sponsored events and activities held on or off campus. Students who disrupt the orderly educational
procedures of the school or refuse to comply with reasonable requests or directions of school staff will result in a
referral to the Wellness Counselor, Assistant Principal, or Principal.
1st Offense: Parent call home by teacher, student warning, 2 days of community service
2nd Offense (or continuous / repetitive misbehavior): ATS
3rd Offense: In-House Suspension
4th Offense: Suspension 1-2 days
Board Policy 5131 Student Conduct
All students have the right to be educated in a positive learning environment free from disruptions. Students shall be expected to exhibit appropriate conduct that does not infringe upon the rights of others or interfere with the school program while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, while at school activities, and while on district transportation. Prohibited student conduct includes, but is not limited to conduct that endangers students, staff, or others; disrupts the orderly classroom or school environment; harassment or bullying of students or staff, including, but not limited to, cyber bullying, intimidation, hazing or initiation activity, extortion, or any other verbal, written, or physical conduct that causes or threatens to cause violence, bodily harm, or substantial disruption, in accordance with the section entitled “Bullying/Cyber bullying”; possession or use of a laser pointer, unless used for a valid instructional or other school-related purpose; use of profane, vulgar, or abusive language; plagiarism or dishonesty on school work or tests; inappropriate attire; tardiness or unexcused absences from school; failure to remain on school premises in accordance with school rules; possession, use, or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol, or other prohibited drugs. Students who violate school rules and regulations may be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, transfer to alternative programs, or denial of the privilege of participation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities.
Students at PHS are subject to all the rules and regulations of the San Mateo Union High School District and the California Education Code. Students and their parents are required to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations that govern their conduct both on campus and off campus school events.
Our school rules are based on the responsibilities assigned to us by the State Education Code. Students are expected to follow school rules to/from school, at school and school events. In all California schools, students must respond to the authority of all school personnel and follow their directions. In cases where there is reasonable suspicion to believe students are carrying illegal material on their person, in their school lockers or in their vehicles, a search by school authorities is legally permissible.
Suspensions and Expulsions
AR 5144.1 Students/ Suspension and Expulsion/ Due Process
When a student is suspended from school, the parents/guardians are notified and in some cases, the police department is involved. A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed below if the act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring at any district school or within any other school district, including but not limited to the following circumstances: while on school grounds; while going to or coming from school; during the lunch period whether on or off the school campus; or during, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity. Students who are suspended must comply with the following regulations: 1) be at home for the time period they normally would be at school, and 2) not to attend any schools, or any school sponsored event during their suspension.
Students may be suspended, or recommended for expulsion for violation of California Education Code 48900 or 48915:
- Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened physical injury to another person.
- Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense.
- Possessed, sold, or furnished firearms, explosives, imitation firearms, or dangerous objects.
- Possessed, sold, or furnished or under the influence of a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant.
- Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance, then sold, delivered, furnished a substance in lieu of a controlled substance.
- Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
- Caused or attempted to cause damage to private or school property.
- Stole or attempted to steal private or school property.
- Possessed or used tobacco.
- Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity/vulgarity.
- Offered, arranged or negotiated to sell or possess any drug paraphernalia.
- Disrupted school activities, or willfully defied school personnel in the performance of their duty.
- Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
- Possessed an imitation firearm.
- Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery.
- Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding.
- Offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell or sold the drug Soma.
- Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing.
- Engaged in an act of bullying, including but not limited to bullying committed by means of an electronic act, directed toward a pupil or school personnel
- Aids or abets the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person.
- Committed sexual harassment.
- Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause or participated in an act of hate violence.
- Harassment, threats, or intimidation directed against a pupil or a group of pupils.
- Committing terroristic threats against a school official, school property or both.
Search and Seizure
Board Policy/AR 5145.12 Search and Seizure, Individual Search
School officials may search any individual student, his/her property, or district property under his/her control when there is a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that he/she is violating the law, Board policy, administrative regulation, or other rules of the district or the school. Reasonable suspicion shall be based on specific and objective facts that the search will produce evidence related to the alleged violation. Student property that may be searched by school officials include, but are not limited to, lockers, desks, purses, backpacks, student vehicles parked on district property, cellular phones, or other electronic communication devices.
Any search of a student, his/her property, or district property under his/her control shall be limited in scope and designed to produce evidence related to the alleged violation. Factors to be considered by school officials when determining the scope of the search shall include the danger to the health or safety of students or staff, such as the possession of weapons, drugs, or other dangerous instruments, and whether the item(s) to be searched by school officials are reasonably related to the contraband to be found. In addition, school officials shall consider the intrusiveness of the search in light of the student's age, gender, and the nature of the alleged violation.
Employees shall not conduct strip searches or body cavity searches of any student. (Education Code 49050). Searches of individual students shall be conducted in the presence of at least two district employees.
The principal or designee shall notify the parent/guardian of a student subjected to an individualized search as soon as possible after the search. If a student is found to be in violation of law or school policy, disciplinary action will follow.
Any student found out of bounds on Peninsula High School campus, without teacher or staff permission, will be subject to search and seizure protocol. The following areas are considered out of bounds during school hours:
- Parking lots (onsite and neighboring buildings)
- The front sidewalk, across the street, or any other area other than school during scheduled class time
- Any other designated areas deemed off limits to students by PHS during school year
Drug/Alcohol and Interventions
Board Policy 5131.6 Students Alcohol and Other Drugs
The Board of Trustees believes that the use of alcohol or other drugs adversely affects a student’s ability to achieve academic success, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious social and legal consequences. The Board desires to keep district schools free of alcohol and other drugs in order to help prevent violence, promote school safety and create a well-disciplined environment conducive to learning.
Students possessing, using or selling alcohol or other drugs or related paraphernalia shall be subject to disciplinary procedures including suspension or expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulations. In addition, such students may be referred to an appropriate counseling program, transferred to an alternative placement, and/or be restricted from school-sponsored activities or extracurricular activities, including athletics, graduation, and dances.
- 1st Offense: 1-3 day suspension and/or a referral to alternative to suspension drug and alcohol counseling program (6 week district Substance Use Program (SUP) and Restorative Justice Practice participation; and/or student contract/ and possible placement on formal reprimand/ recommendation for expulsion.
- 2nd Offense: 3-5 day suspension, Restorative Justice Practice participation, and placement on school site behavior contract. (Also, referral to 12 week drug and alcohol counseling program)
- 3rd Offense: 4-5 day suspension, Restorative Justice Practice participation and formal reprimand contract and/or recommendation for expulsion (3 month drug and alcohol counseling program) (drug alcohol weekly testing administered by Assistant Principal/ Principal)
- 4th Offense: 5 day suspension, Restorative Justice Practice participation and recommendation for expulsion
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Board Policy 5131 Conduct / Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying includes the transmission of communications, posting of harassing messages, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, or images on the Internet, social networking sites, or other digital technologies using a telephone, computer, or any wireless communication device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation. While school is out, students need to remember that cyberbullying of another student or staff member is not tolerated and can have discipline implemented on them by the school as there is a clear connection to the school involving a member of the San Mateo Union High School District and Peninsula High School.
Students may submit a verbal or written complaint of conduct they consider to be bullying to a teacher or administrator. Students should 1) save and print any messages sent to them that they feel constitutes cyberbullying; and, 2) notify a teacher, counselor, or administration so the matter can be pursued and investigated. Any student who engages in cyberbullying on school premises, or off campus in a manner that causes or is likely to cause a substantial disruption of a school activity or school attendance, shall be subject to discipline with any or all of the following consequences: 1-5 day suspension, referral to School Safety Advocate, SBPD notified, Incident Review Conference (IRC), and/or possible recommendation for expulsion.
Hall Passes
Students must have a valid pass from a teacher, or a summons from authorized staff while class is in session.
Failure to have proper authorization with the date, time, and staff member signing off on the pass may result in
community service/ detention/ in-house suspension/ or suspension. If any staff member tells a student to return
to class upon finishing their meeting, the student must go back to class with no questions asked or this will be
interpreted as defiance.. No student is allowed in another class that is not their own, unless permission has been
granted by an administrator. Students need to plan on using the restroom before school, passing periods,
brunch, and lunch as the number of students omitted at one time will be limited to two students due to safety
issues and also keeping students in class. No student is allowed to be in the restroom for more than five
minutes. Anything requiring more time means the student should be checking in with the health office.
All students are expected to be responsible to throw away their own trash, specifically during brunch and lunch. Students will not be allowed to eat in classroom spaces and during class at any time. Failure to do so may result in community service/ detention/ or other disciplinary action leading to possible suspension.
Loitering / Leaving Class Early / Walking Out Without Permission
Students are prohibited from loitering campus or leaving early during class time without teacher permission.
Teachers will be contacted immediately to ensure permission was given for students to be out of class. Students
who show a repetitive pattern of being out when the bell to start class has rung after brunch and lunch or leaving
class regularly while in session will have these consequences enacted after they’ve been warned by staff.
- 1st Offense: 1 lunch community service day, parent contact
- 2nd Offense: 2 lunch community service days
- 3rd Offense: Alternative suspension as determined by administration. Parent meeting with Counselor, a Wellness Counselor referral, and placement on student site contract
- 4th Offense: 1-day suspension for defiance on student disciplinary record and suspended from attending the campus for a period of time determined by administration. Referral to Principal, parent mandatory meeting
Students will fill out a sign out/sign in sheet in each classroom when getting permission from the teacher to use the restroom, and the “late” sign-in sheet when they arrive late to class.
Mutual Respect Policy
The District shall take all steps necessary to provide a positive educational and employment environment, which
encourages equal educational opportunities. The District will not permit the harassment of an individual or
specific individual on the basis of their race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, sexual
orientation, marital status, or physical or mental disability. (NOTE: Students can anticipate lessons throughout the year to include issues on equity and social justice to ensure we are treating everyone fairly, equally and with respect.)
SMUHSD Suspension and Alternatives to Suspension for Ed. Code Violations
Suspension from school means removal of a student from ongoing instruction for adjustment purposes. A principal or the principal’s designee may suspend a pupil from the school (not more than five consecutive school days) for any of the reasons in the Educational Code, Section 48900, upon a first offense if the principal or designee determines that the pupil violated Educational Code 48900, or that pupil’s presence causes a danger to persons or property, or threatens to disrupt the educational process. A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed below if the act is related to a school activity or occurs during school attendance occurring at any District school under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent or principal or within any other school District, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
1. While on school grounds;
2. While going to or coming from school;
3. During the lunch period, whether on or off the school campus (Cutting);
4. During, going to, or coming from a school-sponsored activity; and/or
5. With a nexis or connection to the campus with impact on the school campus.
Sexual Harassment of Students and Staff
Students, faculty and staff of a school district must be able to study and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. The District is actively committed to creating and maintaining an environment that respects the dignity of individuals and groups. The District should be free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation. All students, staff and faculty must be assured that the District will take action to prevent misconduct. Anyone who engages in sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary actions.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual and physical conduct of a sexual nature when the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive to limit one’s ability to participate in or benefit from the education program, or to create a hostile or abusive educational environment.
Students who engage in activities, which are harassing to others, are subject to discipline such as suspension, expulsion, involuntary transfer to another school site, or other discipline at the discretion of the site administration and/or the District office. The District will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who reports sexual harassment. Any student may be
subject to discipline if there is retaliation against a complaining student or any other student, including witnesses,
siblings, etc. for reporting or participating in this procedure.
Every effort shall be made to protect the privacy of the parties involved in any complaint, and all complaints are
kept confidential and will only be discussed on a need to know basis, as required by any investigation and
resolution of the matter.
- 1st Offense: 3-5 days suspension, referral to wellness counselor, police notified, IRC, possible expulsion
- 2nd Offense: 5 day suspension, police notified, recommendation for expulsion
Smoking or Possession of Tobacco
Board Policy 5131.62 Students/Tobacco
Smoking and/ or possession of any form of tobacco, e-cigarette devices, or nicotine products are not allowed on
campus, or at school events. All violations will be reported to the Assistant Principal (Ed Code 48900 and
48901). Violations may result in detention, in-house suspension, suspension, citation from SBPD, referral to the
district sponsored Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program, and community service. Prohibited
products include but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco,
snuff, chew packets, and betel. Also included, but not limited to, are JUUL, Sourin, and PHIX electronic cigarette
devices and the pods, cartridges, and chargers used for those devices.
- 1st Offense: 1 week of lunch community service, parent notified, referral to Wellness Counselor and Friday detention
- 2nd Offense: Referral to Tobacco Use Prevention Program (TUPE), police notified, and possible citation
- 3rd Offense: Assigned to ATS, police notified, and possible citation
- 4th Offense: 1 day suspension for use/possession of tobacco and defiance, police notified, possible citation
Thefts or Stolen Property
Report any property that is stolen, missing, or damaged to the Principal. Peninsula High School is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is important to keep all personal belongings locked up at all times. AS EVERY STUDENT WILL HAVE THEIR OWN COMPUTER DEVICE, IT IS IMPORTANT STUDENTS KEEP THESE and PERSONAL ITEMS IN THEIR POSSESSION AT ALL TIMES. THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ITEMS IF LOST OR DAMAGED. However, THE STUDENT IS LIABLE if this occurs. PLEASE KEEP TECHNOLOGY SECURE AND SAFE. Do not leave items unattended in classrooms, desks, or out of sight. Students involved in receiving, taking, possessing, or attempting to take property of others will result in school disciplinary consequences. Anyone involved in a theft, stealing, or receiving stolen property will result in suspension, police notification, restitution, and possible expulsion.
Vandalism / Graffiti / Destruction of School or Personal Property
Board Policy 5131.5 Students Vandalism and Graffiti
Students who attempted to or engaged in damaging, destroying or mutilating objects or materials belonging to the school, school personnel, or other persons will be subject to disciplinary action by the administration which include suspension, restitution, police report, referral to the School Safety Advocate, and possible expulsion. If reparation for damages is not made, the district also may withhold the student’s grades, diploma, and/or transcripts in accordance with law.
Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
Board Policy 5131.7 Students/Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
Students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus free from psychological and physical harm. Unless the student has obtained prior written permission, students are prohibited from possessing weapons, imitation firearms, or dangerous instruments of any kind in school buildings, on school grounds or buses, at school-related or school-sponsored activities away from school, or while going to or coming from school. Students using, possessing, furnishing or brandishing any knife, firearm, or other dangerous objects or threatening others with any weapon, dangerous instrument, or imitation firearm shall be subject to disciplinary actions which include: 5 day suspension, SBPD notified, referral to the School Safety Advocate and possibly recommended for expulsion. A student granted permission to possess a weapon might be suspended and/or expelled if he/she possesses or uses the weapon inappropriately.
Students are prohibited from carrying tear gas or tear gas weapons such as pepper spray on campus or at
school activities.
Cell Phones / Communications Devices / Electronic Devices
Students also may be subject to discipline, in accordance with law, Board policy, or administrative regulation, for any off-campus conduct during non-school hours, which poses a threat or danger to the safety of students, staff, or district property, or substantially disrupts school activities.
Electronics Device Policy (i.e. cell phones, and electronic, digital and listening devices)
Students MAY NOT have in their possessions cell phones, and other electronic devices during the school day or during school sponsored activities. Students are expected to put their electronic devices into Yondr pouches upon arrival of school and pick them up at the end of the day. Any student who violates this rule will be subject to disciplinary consequences. Cell phones must be turned off and put away in Yondr pouches throughout the instructional day. Students may request permission from administration to use the phone during the school day Please note: Students who DO NOT honor this policy are subject to the following:
- 1st reported: Student referred to and counseled by an administrator, phone confiscated for the day, parent/guardian contacted, final warning to put phone in Yondr pouch moving forward 1 day or campus clean up.
- 2nd reported: Student referred to and counseled by an administrator, phone confiscated for the day, parent/guardian contacted, 1 day of campus clean up.
- 3rd reported: Student referred to and counseled by an administrator, parent/guardian contacted,
student/parent/admin meeting, agreement, and possible placement on site behavior contract. - 4th reported: Student counseled by an administrator, parent/guardian contacted, student placed on site
behavior contract, and/or referred to ATS (alternative to suspension) in lieu of 1 day suspension (for
ongoing defiance and failure to honor behavior contract). - 5th reported: Student(s) may be placed on independent study (IS) for up to six weeks with the discretion
of administration on length of time of (IS). - 6th reported: Student(s) placed on independent study for longer than six weeks with administration’s
discretion on when student is eligible to return to a full day of in-person classes.
Automobiles / Students Who Drive to School
- Students who drive to school must park on the street and drive within the laws of the road.
- Students will NOT be allowed to go to their cars during school hours without permission and approval
from PHS staff. Any other trips to cars will not be allowed and subject to search protocol, campus
cleanup and/or in-house suspension. - Once a student parks a vehicle, it may not be moved until the student is scheduled to leave for the day. Moving a car without notification is considered off-campus and will result in in-house suspension, and search and seizure policy. Repeat offenders will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Cars parked off-campus may not be visited during the school day unless the student has prior approval, written or verbal, from the school administration. Students who leave campus to visit their cars during the school day without permission will be disciplined. Cars should not be used as lockers.
- Neighboring business parking lots are closed and off limits to students.
- Please drive safely and DO NOT SPEED on Hinckley Road when driving.
Note: Driving to school is considered a privilege which can come with disciplinary penalties if any of the
above rules are violated.
Other Serious Infractions
These infractions are punishable by restitution, restorative meeting, alternative to suspension and/or suspension, or in extreme cases by police intervention and/or expulsion:
- graffiti or other acts of vandalism/ property damage
- theft of ANY kind
- possession or use of firecrackers or fireworks
- defiance or disobedience of school authority
- insulting, or abusing teachers and staff
- hazing other students
- forgery or cheating
- falsifying or altering school documents
- continued use of profanity, vulgarity or indecent language
- gambling (ex. rolling dice), extortion or robbery